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If You Are Working Hard - You Are Working Wrong!

Hello Family & Friends,

Does part of your mind believe that you are only worthy of relief from a hard life, love, success & happiness if you work your fingers to the bone, or amass a certain amount of wealth. This is because you have been taught only good comes to those who work hard, so you must work hard.

You even tell yourself time & time again that anything that comes easy is not something you want or worth having. You make yourself feel guilty for getting anything easy in life or you tend to appreciate it far less, because your belief system is firmly planted around how you know life should be hard.

Do you realize you are setting yourself up for everything to be hard! This is your perception & your perception is your reality!

Have you noticed yourself saving the best for last? Or disregarding the easier option in favor of the harder one in different areas in life? Do you prefer to be seen as the one who worked the hardest regardless of the result? Is this because you like to see yourself tormented along the way, because you believe you deserve nothing less or so you can say you had a stressful journey? Do you have visions of one day being the old person on the porch complaining about everything? Are you more comfortable with the idea of life being a bitch, so you & your mind are looking to prove it? How do you benefit from that?

If that is what you want that is fine, but can you see the benefits of an easier life?

It is not your fault you were taught life is hard & you must "slave until the grave", but what happens when you realize it's hard now because you are making it hard?

And just when you can barely digest that I now want to suggest - Hard work = Hard Work Not Success.

At this point like so many others, you may be so entranced with the idea of working hard, that you have deprived & hurt yourself, consumed your life with things you hated or had no interest in & worked hard just because that's your job, without taking a moment to really understand what you are working for. Meanwhile finding yourself a bit inspired yet looking down on people who use their God given skills to get easy success, or you may have decided that they have cheated the system & that your success will be better & sweeter because you worked harder. At least that makes you feel a bit better for the moment.

If you have had it jammed in your head that you must work hard, that life is meant to be hard & that anything that comes easy is not valuable, then I can almost guarantee that you've seen people close to you work hard for all of their lives just to be stressed, sad, depressed, overworked, underpaid & underappreciated. Many may still be working for long periods of time, without a vacation, relaxation, or just time to themselves. What else can this cause besides stress, pressure, depression, anxiety, sadness, grief, resentment. Though they tried to have the answers to what you must do, you may not have noticed that these same people are not getting the success they want or are just not gaining the success that inspires you.

You also know from their example that not only will you be less likely to work all of your life to retire & become a millionaire, but instead you may become part of the trend of many retirees who end up back in the workplace with jobs they hate more than the ones they retired from. I am sure most of the hard working people who were trained to think that was the only way wished they had allowed themselves to try something different & the rest have to continue to stick to their beliefs or else they would have to admit to themselves & you that they wish they would have taken an easier route to success & happiness.

Just like you have seen hard working people with minimal success, you have also seen individuals who were very successful without very much work at all, let alone hard work. They had the courage to be different, go after what they wanted, just followed an inspiration, created a blueprint or a product & end up having people who love to work hard work for them, so they can spend more time enjoying life. Sounds smart doesn't it but without a second thought you may just call these people lucky. You may think they were just in the right place at the right time or slept with the right person. This totally devalues them, their success & their journey. Are they wrong just because their journey is different than yours. They chose theirs just as you have the freedom to choose yours.

-If you still believe working hard is the best way you are welcome to continue but I want to inspire you to try something different.

I used to think the same way. I was raised & spent most of my life with the reminder from my Mom playing in my head that you must work hard for everything you want, go to college & get a good job. So I worked my ass off but that didn't get me the success I really wanted. I believed that life had to be hard & believe me it was. I worked so hard for others & even after a Masters Degree I worked at being an entrepreneur but still found because of my training I only had enough confidence to work hard for someone else. There is nothing wrong with that, but there is a problem with believing that is your only option. Working hard & having degrees did not make me successful or get me everything I wanted. My hard work lead to hard work not success!

-So why don't you have everything you want? Partly because you have a similar record playing in your head that says what others …

I value all of the lessons my Mother taught me, because I know she was doing her best with what she felt was right. The problem is we don't see success the same, we don't have the same outlook on life & I have no interest in working hard for someone else until I retire.

What I have found is many including me did not know what I wanted besides making my Mom proud. All of my wants & desires were drowned out with what I was told I should be doing. Many don't know what they want besides to be seen as a hard worker or person others depend on.

You are also inspired in so many ways to put others work, wants & happiness above your own work (we'll discuss more later). So if you stay in the same programming you will be sure to work hard to make another happy before yourself in every part of your life & end up sad, miserable, tired, unhealthy, undervalued, underappreciated, lacking motivation & inspiration. This is all shapes up for a great "slave until the grave" mindset. No whips, chains, or shackles will ever be needed.

The more you practice the "slave until the grave" mindset the more you will pass that message on & the easier it is for you to be taken advantage of to do someone else's work & do as all others think you should do. Above all it makes it easier to lose sight of what the real work is.

Make sure you know what you are working for or why you are working so hard…

The oxford dictionary says a slave is a person who works very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation - How far off does that sound from your life & the lives of those who helped you with this mindset. If I want you to work for me wouldn't I teach you how to be a good obedient slave, who would make others feel as if they are wrong for any other thinking?

Remember - Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy

If the creator only gave you the ability to control your mind why are you still allowing others to continue to control it for you?

Your Partner in Success,

Tameeka C.


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